Dev Log #1 – Player Home, Cutscenes, Mini Dungeons, and Questing

Hi everyone,

This week has been a busy one! I’ve had some time off from my day job to really knuckle down and get things done. It’s been a great opportunity to start / complete some of the core features of the game that have been in the works for a long time. Things are really coming together now!

In todays dev log, I’ll be giving you a sneak peek of these features and how they work, as well as discussing what I’m working on over the next few weeks.

Don’t forget to wishlist the game on Steam (if you haven’t already), or support our Kickstarter for an exclusive in-game decor bundle!

Let’s dive into what I’ve been working on…

A home away from home…

First up is the player home. This is your own little sanctuary, away from the perils of the dungeon. You can do absolutely anything with it, including remodelling the walls and floors, placing decorations, and inviting your companions back to spend some time with you. More on that later! For now here’s a video of the wall building mode in action.

On your travels throughout the dungeon, your sure to come across locked rooms, chests, and mysterious mini dungeons. It’s worth exploring and finding these, because they contain gold and collectibles not found anywhere else! This is how you find new decorations for your player home. Although you’ll be equipped with basic furniture to get you started, if you really want to make it yours, you’ll need to do some exploring and find more.

Into the unknown…

Mini dungeons are an extra challenge designed to test your metal. Remember, death in Tiny Dungeons is permanent, so you’ll need to decide if dungeons are worth the risk! Each one is procedurally generated, meaning you’ll never know what to expect, but the rewards could be great. That’s to say not all dungeons contain treasure (but you’ll earn XP from killing enemies).

That’s what friends are for…

Throughout the dungeon, you’ll come across NPC’s which you can recruit to become companions and fight by your side. You’ll have to convince them to join you, or pay to hire them to begin with. Just like in real life, building trust and loyalty takes time in Tiny Dungeons! Your companions may not be reliable to begin with. If you get into a sticky situation or are about to die they may flee and return to The Sanctuary. In order to build their loyalty, you’ll have to take on companion quests, which increase their resolve and give them unique perks to help you fight!

After you’ve increase a companions loyalty enough, you’ll be able to invite them back to your home. There, they can have their own room, and you can decorate it however you like!

The Story

There will be a fully fledged story in Tiny Dungeons, complete with a questing system so you can take on missions for the NPC’s you meet along the way. In total, there will be 5 acts, although I’m keeping the details a secret for now so you can experience it yourself!

The script has already been written and I’m now working on the opening cutscene. Here’s a short sneak peek at the work I’ve done on this today.

That’s all I have to share for now. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be focusing on building more cutscenes and adding the story dialogue to the game, which is a fairly lengthy process.

Warm Wishes,

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